I’m Just a lotus drinking, Gilmore girls loving, adventure seeking, photography fanatic waiting to tell your love story
— Me

I‘m Samantha, but you can call me Sam :)

First things first, I've got a thing for lotus drinks - you'll rarely catch me without one in hand! I’ll probably even bring one for you. ;) Tacos, singing, and jamming out to all sorts of tunes also bring me so much joy. I can spout off quotes from Gilmore Girls and Vampire Diaries like nobody's business, and I'm equally as obsessed with New Girl and How I Met Your Mother. I LOVE tattoos and the stories behind them. All of my tattoos are very meaningful to me. <3

In the summer time you can find me hitting the trails for a hike, seeking out adventures, unwinding by the beach, or cozied up by a bonfire. In 2022, I faced the challenge of being diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases, but hey, I've got it under control!

Above all, my heart belongs to Jesus - I attribute all the good in my life to Him. ❤️

If you're up for delving a bit deeper into who I am, stick around for some extra "Sam" history – it's quite the ride, I promise 😅

I am 28 years young, born in California, but raised in the beautiful town of Sandpoint, Idaho! Growing up in a little cabin in the Woods, outdoor adventures were a way of life.

I have a sister who is around 26 (I think?) and a brother who is 21. Our parents owned a printing and awards shop for most of my childhood, and my dad did a little photography on the side. Naturally, I quickly picked up photography skills, and became obsessed with the photography world.

My journey into photography began with my dad's Canon 5d – it was a match made in heaven! Capturing moments soon became my forte, transforming me into the de facto photographer of our crazy group of friends, always documenting our shinanagins. It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come in my photography since then.

Around the age of 16, I started thinking - why not turn this passion into a business? I had been getting lots of positive feedback on my work, so decided to give it a shot. At about 17, I landed my first wedding gig for someone outside my immediate circle. Nervous? Absolutely. Did I know what I was doing? Absolutely not. Though I still vividly recall the excitement of creating their photo gallery! From then on, the thrill of preserving meaningful moments and joyous occasions solidified my love for photography.

And here's a fun twist – at 17, not only did I discover my lifelong passion, but I also met my partner-in-crime, now my husband! Our love story began in the church youth group, although, it started by trapping him in the friend zone for a good year. Oh the torture I put him through ;)

At the age of 18, he finally made his way out of the friend zone (go him!) and we ended up tying the knot not long after. It was in 2014 that I embarked on my own journey with him. And let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure! Now, I am a proud mother of two – my boy is 5 and my little girl is just a year and a half old. We share our space with two dogs, 40 plecko fish (If you want any let me know🙃) and we currently reside in my childhood cabin. I had been a full-time stay-at-home mom ever since my son was born, all the while pursuing photography as a side gig. I dabbled in shooting weddings sporadically and did lots of family sessions during this time.

In 2021, I received a diagnosis of autoimmune diseases which led to me relying on a wheelchair for about a month due to my knees giving out. It was during this period that I discovered the art of using my upper body strength to tackle stairs and the struggle of reaching for plates on the top shelf! 😅

By 2022, I began to recover and was gearing up to start medication when I received the AMAZING news of expecting my little girl! (I had almost lost hope of having another child, so this was a wonderful surprise!) Although the pregnancy was challenging and felt like it lasted a whole year, the labor itself went surprisingly smoothly and really quick!

Now, my family is complete, and I couldn't be more grateful to have my two precious kids and my amazing husband right beside me through it all.

In 2023, I bounced back from my pregnancy and embraced the challenge of fostering my husband’s niece & nephew for a little while. At the time, I was a stay-at-home mom watching over 4 kiddos under the age of 5. It was definitely a wild ride, but we made it out in one piece! Barely…. 😅

Soon after finishing up fostering, we made the move to my family's cabin, where we now reside and soak up the rustic vibes. 😊 Currently, I'm still a stay-at-home mom but I’m dedicating full-time hours to my photography passion. Balancing mommy duties, honing my photography skills, and focusing on my health through at-home workouts—it's a juggling act, but I'm making it work!

My days are filled with giggles, messy peanut butter kisses, the occasional sleepless night, and exciting photography escapades.

I'm on a mission to capture the raw, unfiltered love shared between couples embarking on their journey together. I'm beyond excited for all the love stories I'll have the privilege to be a part of in the future! 📸💕



Sandpoint idaho wedding photographer with her husband
North idaho photographer with her family
Kootenai Falls - Montana Photographer - Adventure photographer - Simply art photography
Simply art photography - samantha long - sandpoint wedding photographer - Idaho photographer
North idaho portrait photographer - sandpoint idaho photographer with her husband
Mickinick trail head - sandpoint hike - sandpoint photographer hiking - Sandpoint Photography
North idaho photographer - samantha long - simply art photography - samantha kaye
newport oregon - ocean view - simply art photography - samantha long - northwest photographer